Unprimed Cases 44/40 Starline Brass


SKU SL4440 Categories , Tag

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Unprimed Cases

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A.K.A 44-40 Winchester, 44-40 Win, 44 Win, 44-40WCF, 44 Winchester, 44-40 Marlin

1.294 – 1.300 O.A.L.

Also known as the .44-40 Winchester, .44 WCF, and .44 Winchester, this calibre gained popularity because of its availability in both rifles and handguns. The advent of Cowboy Action Shooting has helped to revive this obsolete vintage cartridge. Our .44-40 brass has a wall thickness of .0065″ but is still stiffer and less fragile than other brands, which makes it much easier to reload.

Starline prides itself on producing the highest quality brass case available. With a production process focused on quality not quantity, Starline makes the finest brass and has done for more than 30 years.

Additional information

Weight 0.700 kg
Dimensions 20 × 14 × 5 cm


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